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I've always been interested in anything creative. At school I studied art, media and drama, and often wondered how I could do everything I enjoy as a career in the future. 


At collage I had the opportunity to experiment with a lot of techniques, and ended up being fascinated with making drawings and object move. Animation incorporated everything I loved! I went on to study the subject at University and gained an incredible amount of skils to improved my passion. 


The Eldritch Egg

An old adventurer reflects on his past and how he came to regret  raising a creature, found in a world no longer bustling with life. However the creature grew to become something the adventurer never imagined. 



May 2017









Animated Tails

Through humour, sarcasm and wit, Animated Tails presents to you a stop motion animation which develops into the topic of Climate change by asking real people what they think on the matter.


May 2016


Sibling Rivalry

Colaboration project with Ciara Byrne, on the theme of 'rivalry'. working in a team we designed and created a story, characters and environment to create an animation in a 3d software.


Dec 2015

E4 ident

Final outcome for a university project - Applied Animation.


This animation was create as if I were apoached by a company. 


April 2015

Discovery Channel ident

Final outcome for a university project - Applied Animation.


This animation was create as if I were apoached by a company. And I made it to look like as if were made from layering up coloured paper. 


April 2015

Air Mail

Final outcome for a university project - process and production.


This animation was inspired by the little paper aereoplane I click when sending an e-mail to a loved one who works away. 



January 2015

Mr Davis.

Final outcome for a college Final Major Project.


Looking at stereotypes, I chose to look further at the phrase 'Don't judge a book on it's cover.'


The cover looks very inviting and child friendly but inside the story is not what you would expect.


May 2014

Paper protest projection.

Final outcome for a college mulitdisciplinary project  




  • combining or involving several academic disciplines or professional specializations in an approach to a topic or problem.


This piece is about proesters tryig to express their opionion and make a dirrerece but, feeling like they're stuck 'in a box' as the govenment won't help.



April 2014

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